Vega Testing Sessions

Home Vega Testing Sessions

What happens at an appointment?

You will be asked many questions about your health, diet, lifestyle and environment – this is so that any results can be assessed in terms of your particular experience.

At the end of your appointment, we may recommend an elimination or avoidance period of some substances and will give guidance on how you can best achieve this to suit your lifestyle, preferences etc.

After this time you will be asked to return for follow up testing and review.

Do I need a follow-up appointment?

The follow up appointment is an integral part of your progression as it is important to understand if the measures that you have previously been advised to take have been successful, if you need to continue them, and if you need any longer term advice including recommendations for nutrition or lifestyle.

If the measures you have been advised to take have only been partially successful, or not successful, then we would look in detail at how closely you have been able to follow the measures.

All information and responses give significant information for your healthcare going forward and another approach may be indicated.

There could also be circumstances where you may be referred to another healthcare practitioner for instance, your doctor.

Allergy Testing prices:

Standard Test (over 120 samples)


Advanced test (over 275 samples)


Follow Up Appointments


What clients are saying about me:

I really want to thank you for helping my friend through a very difficult time recently. I guess we generally think of homeopathy and it’s benefits in relation to physical issues. However, it is much more far-reaching and this is something that is not always appreciated. My friend was suffering from severe depression and lack of confidence arising from a lifetime of mental abuse and bad experiences. She had never been to a homeopath or indeed any form of alternative therapist and therefore sceptical when I suggested seeing you. However, in your quiet caring way you listened to her and even that did her a world of good. You prescribed a remedy which she took and a few days later said to me ‘well nothing has happened’. However, less than a week later she rang me to say she felt happier than could ever remember. She has taken control of her life and both she and I are immensely grateful to you.

Thank you Christine, I would have no hesitation in recommending you.

— CS, Knowl Hill